WHAT’S THE PLAYBOOK? Since the acquisition of Arlington Industries in 2004, Carolina Wholesale Group has been managing two large imaging supply and hardware distributors. Since this time we have been supporting resellers from two companies and consistently placing ourselves in competition with none other than ourselves through sales and marketing endeavors. Throughout this period of time we have seen many benefits of this merger with the expansion of sales revenues, warehouses, product lines, and combination of internal resources which have strengthened our wholesale brands. Additionally, many of our departments have combined between companies and have been working together in harmony for most of the past decade. We have continued to maintain the Arlington and Carolina Wholesale brands as we understand the strength and value of their identities within our customer community. In 2016, CWG acquired Digitek Computer Products and thus added a third distribution company to the mix. Over the past two years we have migrated many of the internal functions of Digitek into the same business software, e‐commerce platforms, and business practices that Arlington and Carolina Wholesale had uniformly adopted and we now find ourselves at a point in which we could continue as three brands or merge into one super‐distributor. In early 2018 it was decided that we would merge the three distributors of Arlington, Carolina Wholesale, and Digitek into the new brand ARLINGTON. This change will allow us to focus our growth around the single brand of ARLINGTON. It is vitally important that the reseller community understands that this is the combination of three companies into one brand and not two businesses going away and leaving one. Our marketing will be focused on sharing that message with our customers but it’s very important that we all understand this philosophy as we engage those outside our business on these topics. Together, the three brands of Arlington, Carolina Wholesale, and Digitek will combine to offer our resale partners the super‐distribution power of ARLINGTON. The ARLINGTON PLAYBOOK was designed to provide all of us a company guideline on our mission, vision, and corporate understanding of some of the questions we might expect from our employees and valued resellers. It’s very important that we share the message of strength, growth, and expansion with the new rebranded ARLINGTON as we move forward and we hope the ARLINGTON PLAYBOOK will assist you in this successful transition.
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