Q: Does this change affect the product offering? A: The product offering will continue to be enhanced by the vendor relationships established and fostered by Arlington Industries, Carolina Wholesale, and Digitek over the past five decades. We will always look to enhance our product offering to meet the needs of our customers.
Q: Does this change effect your distribution center locations? A: We are pleased to inform you that we are still offering same‐day shipping from all six of our national distribution centers from California, Texas, Illinois, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Q: Have the Terms & Conditions changed? A: Arlington Industries, Carolina Wholesale, and Digitek will have shared Terms & Conditions and they will be listed on their websites. Any changes to Terms & Conditions should be minor.
Q: How does this affect my handling fees or minimum order fees? A: Any fees our current customers have seen before will remain the same for your account as they were before as they will be ‘grand‐fathered’ and remain unchanged. Moving forward future accounts will see a handling fee of $2.95.
Q: Where do I order online? A: Our eStorefront e‐commerce solution is located at and should be accessible to previous users set‐up on previous Carolina Wholesale or Digitek eStorefronts.
Q: Are you still offering the same government sector opportunities? A: Yes. Please ask your representative about our Enterprise Opportunities for Government, Education, and other potential bids.
Q: What will happen if I send fax to Carolina Wholesale of Digitek numbers? A: All fax communications to previous Carolina Wholesale or Digitek fax numbers will be forwarded to ARLINGTON centralized digital fax system and handled by ARLINGTON staff.
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