2017 Digitek Sales Catalog
Green Mini Desktop Calculator
Green Mini Desktop Calculator
LIST $9.89 ITEM NO. VCT1000 $ 5 25 (1-9) $ 5 15 (10+)
LIST $12.99 ITEM NO. VCT1100-3A $ 7 05 (1-9) $ 7 00 (10+)
•8 digit large angled display •Hybrid powered •3 key independent memory •Made from 50% recycled plastic •Percent and square root
•Sign change key •Contoured keys •Black/silver •2 year limited warranty •3” x 1” x 4” / 2 oz
•10 digit angled display •Hybrid powered •3 key independent memory •Made from 50% recycled plastic •Anti-microbial protection
•Cost-sell-margin, percent •Sign change, tax rate, tax +/- •Contemporary silver/black •2 year limited warranty •3” x 0.3” x 4” / 3 oz
Scientific Calculator
Scientific Calculator
LIST $6.99
LIST $16.79 ITEM NO. VCT930-2 $ 8 15 (1-5) $ 8 05 (6+)
$ 4 15 (1-4) $ 4 10 (5+)
V30-RA •154 scientific functions •Algebra, trigonometry •One-variable statistics •Degrees, powers, roots •Logarithms, reciprocals •10 digit large display •Hybrid powered
•10 digit large display •Hybrid powered •Bin/Oct/Dec/Hex •Algebra, trigonometry •One-variable statistics •Degrees, powers, roots
•Logarithms, reciprocals •Factorials, conversions •Black w/hinged hard cover •2 year limited warranty •2.6” x 0.5” x 4.5” / 2 oz
•Factorials, conversions •Black w/hard slide cover •2 year limited warranty •3” x 0.5” x 6” / 6 oz
Green Standard Scientific Calculator
Scientific Calculator
LIST $12.99 ITEM NO. VCTV30RA $ 7 15 (1-9) $ 7 05 (10+) •10 digit display •Battery powered (2) LR44 •Made from 40% recycled plastic •Anti-microbial protection
LIST $9.99 ITEM NO. VCT940 $ 5 95 (1-4) $ 5 90 (5+)
•10 +2 digit x 2 line display •Hybrid powered •240 scientific functions •General math, trigonometry •Geometry, algebra, statistics •Exponentials, hyperbolics •Parentheses, fraction functions
•Factorials, conversions •Comparable to TI-30XA •2 year limited warranty •3” x 0.5” x 6” / 6 oz
•Store, recall, edit values •White w/hard slide cover •2 year limited warranty •3.6” x 6” x 0.6” / 3 oz
•Algebra, trigonometry •One-variable statistics •Logarithms, reciprocals
Advanced Scientific Calculator
TuffCalc™ Water/Shock Resistant Calculator
LIST $16.99
LIST $18.22 ITEM NO. VCT99901 $ 10 75 (1-9) $ 10 50 (10+)
$ 9 95 (1-9) $ 9 75 (10+)
•10 x 2 line scrolling display •Hybrid powered •280 scientific functions •Degrees, powers, roots •Algebra, trigonometry •Two-variable statistics •Logarithms, reciprocals
•12 digit large angled display •Hybrid powered •3 key independent memory •Percent, square root, tax +/- •Sign change, grand total •Water and shock resistant •Sealed rubber keypad
•Factorials, conversions •Comparable to TI-30XIIS •2 year limited warranty •3” x 0.8” x 6” / 6 oz
•Soap and water washable •2 year limited warranty •4” x 2” x 6.5” / 6 oz
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