2017 Digitek Sales Catalog
Phone: 888-353-0301 Fax: 703-421-9718
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NEW Distribution Center in Dallas Texas!
Pennsylvania: Distribution Center 2530 Pearl Buck Rd. Bristol, PA 19007 Texas: Distribution Center 3901 W. Miller Rd. Garland, TX 75041
2017 New Product Catalog As a Digitek Partner, the idea of a print catalog is something new from Digitek. We have recently expanded our vendor partners and categories and are excited to share many of our expanded lines of products and brands within this catalog. Although this catalog is not a complete selection of all products available through Digitek our hope is our expanded portfolio provides additional opportunities for your business to grow.
Looking To Establish A Digitek Account? Register Online To Set-Up A New Account At www.digitek.com/become-a-partner Terms & Conditions You can view our Terms & Conditions online at www.digitek.com/terms
INTEGRATIONS Red Cheetah, DDMS, Britannia and other XML/EDI, Thelarus Group, E-Automate, Quotewerks, Powersource Online, eStoreware, CNET, AOS Ware, VarStreet
PARTNERSHIPS TriMega, InTec, Independent Dealers, BTA (Business Technology Association), ASCII Group, MPSA
CUSTOMER SERVICE 8:30 AM – 8:30 PM EST customerservice@digitek.com
info@digitek.com 888-353-0301
www.digitek.com 703-421-9718
The Next Generation Premium Replacement Cartridge Has Arrived. Increase profitability and offer TCO savings with NXT Premium Replacement Cartridges. When you sell your next new or refurbished copier, printer, fax, or multifunction, remember the next toner for that machine should be NXT.
NXT Premium Replacement Cartridges are inspected and adhere to a quality control process that virtually eliminates DOA problems that haunt many of today’s compatible supplies. Environmentally focused packaging and recycling program create an eco-friendly substitute to OEM supplies. NXT Premium Replacement Cartridges provide user’s quality and reliability at a price that makes print affordable.
The NeXT Best Thing in Toner!
PRODUCT PAGES MULTIFUNCTION - Facsimiles, Copiers, Printers, Scanners & Cabinets ........................................................................... 1-67
Mfg Pages 3D Systems.................................................................. 2 Brother....................................................................3-10 Canon...................................................................11-19 Copystar/Kyocera.................................................20-27 Dell............................................................................. 28 Epson......................................................................... 29
Mfg Pages Hewlett Packard....................................................30-35 KE Cabinets............................................................... 36 Lexmark................................................................37-43 Lucas Locks............................................................... 43 Okidata..................................................................44-49 Panasonic.................................................................. 50
Mfg Pages Quick Quality Cabinets.............................................. 51 Ricoh ....................................................................52-59 Samsung...............................................................60-65 Sindoh...................................................................66-67
CALCULATORS ........................................................................................................................................................... 68-99 TYPEWRITERS & PRINTWHEELS ............................................................................................................................... 100-107 CASH MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 108-124
Product Pages Cash Registers & Receipt Printers....................................................................108-117 Counterfeit Detectors & Money Counters..........................................................117-123
Product Pages Check Writers....................................................................................................123-124 Safes.........................................................................................................................122
DICTATION & ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................................... 126-140 PHONES & RELATED PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................... 141-147 TIME RECORDERS . ................................................................................................................................................. 148-158 SHREDDERS ........................................................................................................................................................... 159-178 PAPER HANDLING . ............................................................................................................................................... 179-211
Product Pages Joggers & Padding Presses..................................... 179 Binders..............................................................180-184 Laminators........................................................184-189
Product Pages Paper Folders...................................................190-192 Letter Openers..................................................193-195 Scales...............................................................195-196
Product Pages Hole Punches & Drills.......................................197-199 Paper Bursters & Trimmers..............................200-207 Staplers & Desk Accessories ..........................208-211
PROJECTORS ......................................................................................................................................................... 212-216 LABEL MAKERS ..................................................................................................................................................... 217-224 SURGE PROTECTORS .............................................................................................................................................. 225-230 ELECTRONICS . ....................................................................................................................................................... 231-241
Product Pages Headphones..............................................................................................................231 Data Storage & Batteries..........................................................................................233
Product Pages GPS & LED Signs......................................................................................................240 Computer Accessories....................................................................................... 234-239
BRIEFCASES/PORTFOLIOS ...................................................................................................................................... 242-245 JANITORIAL (PAPER PRODUCTS- 246-247, AIR PURIFIERS- 248, HAND DRYERS & SWEEPERS- 249) ........................................... 246-249 RIBBONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 251-262 SUPPLIES (See page 264 for Supplies Table of Contents ) ................................................................................................... S1-S466 Manufacturer Customer Service Dear Customer, We have endeavored to provide you with the most current phone numbers available; however, There may be some incorrect phone numbers and we apologize for the inconvenience.
C 3D Systems......................................... 803-326-3900 ACCO.................................................. 800-477-9900 Accubanker......................................... 305-594-0950 Acroprint.............................................. 800-334-7190 Adler Royal.......................................... 800-272-6229 Amano................................................. 800-367-6649 Andrea Communications..................... 631-396-0952 APC..................................................... 800-555-2725 Apollo........................................................See ACCO Apptec................................................. 631-828-1245 P AT&T.................................................... 800-222-3111 Attalus................................................. 770-616-9116 Brecknell.............................................. 800-637-0529 Brother................................................. 800-284-4329 Calculated Industries........................... 800-854-8075 Canon.................................................. 800-652-2666 Carolina Paper Company.................... 704-485-3212 Casio Tech Support..................................... 800-435-7732 ERC Prog........................................... 800-633-5586 CI Inks................................................. 800-868-6780 Copi-Mate (CMR)................................ 800-645-5612 Copystar.......................................Call CW for Details Count Machinery................................. 760-489-1400 Dahle................................................... 800-995-1379 Dell...................................................... 800-456-3355 Duplo................................................... 949-752-8222 Dust Off (Falcon).................................. 800-332-5266 Dymo................................................... 877-289-3966 Epson.................................................. 800-463-7766 Fellowes.............................................. 800-955-0959 C GBC...........................................................See ACCO
C General Electric................................... 800-654-8483 GRC..................................................... 888-666-0959 Hewlett-Packard.................................. 800-474-6836 IBM/Lexmark Inkjet Printers.................................... 800-332-4120 Laser Printers.................................... 800-539-6275 Intimus................................................. 800-775-2122 Kantek................................................. 800-536-3212 Kensington................................................See ACCO Konica Minolta.................................... 800-456-6422 Kyocera........................................Call CW for Details C LandAirSea.......................................... 847-462-8100 Lassco Wizer....................................... 800-854-6595 Lathem................................................ 800-241-4990 Lucas Distributing............................... 866-232-4233 C Martin Yale........................................... 800-225-5644 Max USA............................................. 800-223-4293 MBM.................................................... 800-223-2508 Monroe................................................ 888-666-7631 Nakajima.............................................. 800-809-7138 Fax .................................................... 800-809-7153 NW Bell Phones.................................. 866-432-7832 Okidata................................................ 800-654-3282 Olympus.............................................. 800-622-6372 P Panamax............................................. 800-472-5555 Panasonic............................................ 800-211-7262 Paymaster........................................... 888-717-5577 Philips.................................................. 877-773-3242 Plantronics........................................... 888-752-6876 C Porelon................................................ 800-451-8075 PostMark............................................. 805-888-0015 Pyramid............................................... 888-479-7264
Quartet......................................................See ACCO Quick Quality Cabinets........................ 888-831-3030 Rapid................................................... 800-627-9140 RCA..................................................... 877-722-4908 Rabio................................................... 773-253-5086 Ricoh................................................... 800-327-8349 Royal................................................... 800-524-0799 ECR................................................... 800-272-6229 Royal Sovereign.................................. 800-397-1025 C Sam4s (CRS) Dealers Only.................. 800-333-4949 Samsung...............................................800726-7864 Sharp................................................... 800-237-4277 Accessories....................................... 800-642-2122 Sindoh (Service).................................. 800-207-8646 P Smith Corona...................................... 800-875-7000 Solo..................................................... 800-333-6292 Sony.................................................... 888-222-7669 Swingline...................................................See ACCO P Techko Maid........................................ 888-883-2456 C Texas Instruments............................... 800-842-2737 C Tripp-Lite............................................. 773-869-1234 Vanguard............................................. 800-875-3322 VEC Electronics................................... 201-947-6462 Victor................................................... 800-628-2420 VXi Corporation................................... 800-742-8588 Widmer................................................ 800-424-4459 Xerox................................................... 800-821-2797 Special Order Parts............................. 800-521-4600 ............................................................ext:2012/2018
*All time zones EST except where noted
Business Machines & Office Products
TABLE OF CONTENTS 3D PRINTERS ...........................................2 COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS........117-118 MONEY COUNTERS..............................119 TIME RECORDERS. .......................149-151 PRINTWHEELS......................................106 TYPEWRITERS......................................101 TIME RECORDERS. .......................152-153 DICTATION ACCESSORIES..................126 ELECTRONICS......................................231 SURGE, UPS..........................................225 PROJECTORS.......................................212 DICTATION.............................................127 PHONES/ACCESSORIES......................141 LAMINATING SUPPLIES.......................184 SCALES...................................113, 195-196 LABELERS & TAPES......................217-221 MULTIFUNCTION..................................3-10 SPECIALITY CALCS...........................70-73 CALCULATORS..................................75-79 MULTIFUNCTION................................11-19 JANATORIAL SUPPLIES................246-247 CALCULATORS..................................80-82 CASH REGISTERS.........................110-111 LABELERS & TAPES.............................222 RIBBONS................................................251 TIME RECORDER .................................158 TIME CLOCK RIBBONS.................148, 251 MULTIFUNCTION................................20-27 SCISSORS, TRIMMERS.................200-202 SHREDDERS..................................159-161 STAPLERS.............................................208 MULTIFUNCTION.....................................28 PROJECTORS.......................................212 BURSTERS & CUTTERS.......................203 FOLDERS...............................................190 COMPUTER CLEANERS.......................232 LABELERS & TAPES.............................223
FLASH DRIVES......................................233 MEMORY CARDS..........................136, 233 BATTERIES............................................233 MULTIFUNCTION.....................................29 PROJECTORS.......................................213 AIR PURIFIERS......................................248 BINDERS.........................................180-181 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES. ........234-235 LAMINATORS..................................185-186 SHREDDERS..................................162-166 TRIMMERS.............................................203 LAMINATORS.........................................187 CABLES..................................................235 SURGE PROTECTORS.........................226 RIBBONS.........................................252-253 DICTATION......................................128-129 CALCULATORS.......................................83 MULTIFUNCTION................................30-35 TYPEWRITERS...............................102-103 SHREDDERS.........................................167 FOLDER.................................................190 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES. ........236-237 LUGGAGE / CARTS...............................242 MACHINE STANDS..................................36 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES. ........238-239 LASER POINTERS.................................214 SURGE PROTECTOR............................226 MULTIFUNCTION................................20-27 SURGE PROTECTOR............................226 GPS TRACKING SYSTEMS...................240 CORNER CUTTERS. .............................204 PAPER DRILLS......................................197 PAPER JOGGERS.................................179 TIME RECORDERS. .......................154-155 MULTIFUNCTION................................37-43 MACHINE LOCKS....................................43 BINDERS................................................184 LAMINATORS.........................................185 QUEUING SYSTEM...............................113 FOLDERS........................................191-192 HOLE PUNCHES....................................197 LETTER OPENERS................................193 PADDING PRESSES..............................179 SLITTERS & TRIMMERS................200-201
Call Your Sales Representative Today
CHECK WRITERS..................................123 STAPLERS......................................208-209 AIR PURIFIERS......................................248 FOLDERS...............................................191 SHREDDERS..................................168-169 TRIMMERS ............................................206 CALCULATORS..................................83-85 PRINTWHEELS......................................107 TYPEWRITERS...............................104-105 PHONES.................................................141 MULTIFUNCTION................................44-49 PRINTWHEELS......................................107 DICTATION......................................130-132 SURGE PROTECTORS..................226-227 MULTIFUNCTION.....................................50 PHONES/ACCESSORIES...............142-143 CHECK WRITERS..................................124 DICTATION......................................133-136 PHONES/ACCESSORIES...............144-145 RIBBONS................................................251 LETTER OPENERS................................194 LETTER OPENERS................................195 TIME RECORDERS. .......................156-157 MACHINE STANDS..................................51 FOLDING CART...............................50, 242 PROJECTOR ACCESSORIES........214-215 STAPLERS.............................................208 PRINTWHEELS......................................106 PHONES.................................................146 MONEY COUNTERS.......................122-123 MULTIFUNCTION................................52-59 PROJECTORS.......................................216 CALCULATORS.......................................86 CASH COUNTER...................................113 CASH REGISTERS.........................111-112 COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS...............112 LAMINATORS.........................................188 OFFICE ACCESSORIES........................241 SCALES..........................................113, 196 SHREDDERS..................................170-172 TIME RECORDERS. ..............................158
TRIMMER...............................................207 TYPEWRITERS......................................101 COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS...............120 JANITORIAL...........................................249 LAMINATORS.........................................188 MONEY COUNTERS.......................120-121 SAFES....................................................122 SHREDDERS.........................................173 SIGN BOARDS.......................................240 CASH REGISTERS.........................114-115 LABELERS & TAPES.............................222 RECEIPT PRINTERS.............................116 MULTIFUNCTION................................60-65 LABELERS & TAPES.............................224 CALCULATORS..................................87-91 CASH REGISTERS................................117 MULTIFUNCTION................................66-67 PRRINTWHEELS...................................107 BRIEFCASES..................................244-245 BINDERS.........................................182-183 HOLE PUNCHES.............................198-199 LAMINATORS.........................................189 SHREDDERS..................................174-178 STAPLERS......................................210-211 TRIMMERS.............................................207 FOLDER.................................................190 AUTO SWEEPERS.................................249 CALCULATORS..................................92-95 SURGE, UPS, CHARGERS. ...........228-230 PROTECTIVE CASES....................140, 243 DICTATION ACCESSORIES...........137-139 CALCULATORS..................................95-99 PORTFOLIO...........................................243 PHONE ACCESSORIES........................147 CHECK SIGNER.....................................123
Icons throughout the catalog can help enhance your shopping experience.
-Item is refurbished.
-New for the 2017 catalog.
-Does not come with supplies.
-Item cannot be returned.
-Environmentally friendly.
-Must be shipped truck.
Business Machines & Office Products
PERSONALIZED ON DEMAND LAYERED SECURITY Choose TROY for secure document personalization and add layers of security to your forms.
TROY offers multiple toner options for enhancing the security of valuable printed documents. From patented Security Toner to guard against alteration to SecureUV and UV Toner to provide an easy method for authentication, TROY Solutions help protect documents against damaging fraud.
TROY Security Toner Patented anti-fraud technology forces a red stain to appear on a document if fraudulent alteration of personal information is attempted using solvents.
TROY SecureUV Toner Prints invisible security features which are only visible under UV light. Any combination of barcodes, text, or graphics can be printed in invisible UV at the same time as the normal black print portions of any document.
TROY UV Toner Special UV toner available for document authentication and MICR applications. Appears as normal black print but fluoresces under UV verification light.
Take Your Color Prints to New Heights!
Call your Personal Sales Rep today for a Complete List of NEW Mono SKUs available.
• System Matched Components • Consistent Quality, Every Print, Every Time
• Made In USA • TAA Compliant
Go to www.colorcontrol.info/coloredge
Call Your Sales Representative for a full listing of the ColorEdge product Line.
Harness The Power
Is The Competition Stealing Your Supply Business?
• Control Your Customer’s Supply Fulfillment • Understand Your Client’s Print Requirements • Replenish Supply Inventory Remotely
• Eliminate Unwarranted Service Calls • Reduce Consumable Waste • Strengthen Your Customer Relations
Your MPS Dashboard View all your customer’s fleet status, projects, and general overview from one convenient screen
Automated Instant Analysis View instant analytics detail of your customer’s device from your PC, smartphone, or tablet.
Printer Status Details Identify abnormal usage or view device alerts with quick review of any individual printer or copier.
Supply Replenishment List Review supply replenishment status and history.
Learn More Online At: www.ctrlprt.com
Item TDSCUBEPRO LIST $2,799.00
Item TDSCUBE3 LIST $999.00
SALE $ 799 20
SALE $ 2,239 20
•10.75”x10.75”x9.5” Max Creation Size •PJP Technology •Single Print Jet
•Nylon, PLA & ABS Plastics •70 micron layer thickness •Includes White ABS
•6”x6”x6” Max Creation Size •PJP Technology •Dual Print Jets
•PLA & ABS Plastics •70 micron layer thickness •Includes White & Neon Green PLA 391158 ABS Plastic Red............ $36.75 391159 ABS Plastic Green........ $36.75 391160 ABS Plastic Blue........... $36.75 391162 ABS PlasticWhite......... $36.75 391163 ABS Plastic Black......... $36.75 391176 PLA Plastic Navy Blue.. $36.75 391179 PLA Plastic Dark Grey.. $36.75
Duo (Dual Jets)............................................. $2,719.20 Trio (Triple Jets)............................................ $3,519.20
391142 PLA Plastic Red............ $36.75 391143 PLA Plastic Green......... $36.75 391144 PLA Plastic Blue............ $36.75 391145 PLA Plastic Yellow........ $36.75 391146 PLA PlasticWhite......... $36.75 391147 PLA Plastic Black.......... $36.75 391148 PLA Plastic Tan............. $36.75
401391-01 PLA PlasticWhite.... $74.25 401393-01 PLA Plastic Red...... $74.25 401398-01 PLA Plastic Green... $74.25 401399-01 PLA Plastic Blue...... $74.25 401400-01 PLA Plastic Black.... $74.25 401406-01 BS PlasticWhite...... $74.25 401408-01 ABS Plastic Red...... $74.25
401413-01 ABS Plastic Green.. $74.25 401414-01 ABS Plastic Blue..... $74.25 401415-01 ABS Plastic Black... $74.25 401423-01 ABS Plastic IndGrey. $74.25 403047 PLA Plastic Dark Grey.. $74.25 403051 ABS Plastic Navy Blue. $74.25 403052 ABS Plastic Dark Grey. $74.25
iPad 4G 3D Scanner
3D Stylus
Item TDS350415 LIST $399.00
Item TDS355000 LIST $599.00
SALE $ 327 18
SALE $ 491 18
350416 iPad Air 3D Scanner............................................................................ $327.18 350417 iPadMini 3D Scanner.......................................................................... $327.18 350423 iPad 4GBracket Kit............................................................................... $40.18 350424 iPad Air Bracket Kit................................................................................ $40.18 350425 iPadMini Bracket Kit............................................................................. $40.18
•Fully manipulate your AD design •3-degree-of-freedom force feedback X, Y & Z •Two integrated stylus buttons •Stylus-docking inkwell Infinity Rinse-Away ™
Cubify Software
Invent TDS391250 .................................. $49.00.......... $36.75 Sculpt TDS391260 ................................... $129.00........ $96.75 Design TDS391260 ................................... $199.00...... $149.25
TDS391602 .......................... $49.00.......... $36.75
TDS403255 .......................... $99.00.......... $74.25
Call Your Sales Representative Today
Ribbon Transfer Fax, Copier
High-Speed Laser Fax, Copier
intelliFAX2840 LIST $329.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTFAX2840
LIST $99.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTFAX575
•33.6 Kbps / 2.5 spp •16 MB @ 400 pages •22 touch / 200 speed dials •Up to 21 cpm •250 sheet input tray •20 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” max paper size MFC8220
•10,000 page duty cycle •Answer machine interface •USB port for future printing •1 year limited warranty •15” x 15” x 12” / 20 lbs •Uses: TN450 toner, DR420 drum
•9.6 Kbps / 15 spp •512 KB @ 25 pages •4 touch / 100 speed dials •Caller wait / caller ID ready •50 sheet input tray •10 sheet ADF MFC7240
•8.5” x 14” max paper size •Answer machine interface •1 year limited warranty •12” x 11” x 13” / 6 lbs •PC501 film ctg, PC402RF refills
Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner
Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner
LIST $349.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFC7240
LIST $499.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFC8220
•14.4 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 21 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet input tray •20 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” max paper size •10,000 page duty cycle
•33.6 Kbps / 300 speed dials •Up to 21 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet input tray •30 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” max paper size •20,000 page duty cycle
•Email, Image, OCR, File •USB, Parallel •32 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •17” x 17.8” x 18” / 26 lbs •TN570 toner, DR510 drum
High-Speed Laser Fax, Copier •16 MB, USB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •14.7” x 14.6” x 12” / 20 lbs •TN450 toner, DR420 drum
Business-Class Laser Fax, Copier
intelliFAX2940 LIST $499.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTFAX2940
intelliFAX4100e LIST $499.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTFAX4100E
•33.6 Kbps / 2.5 spp •16 MB @ 500 pages •22 touch / 200 speed dials •Distinctive ring / caller ID ready •Up to 24 cpm •250 sheet input tray •30 sheet ADF
•33.6 Kbps / 3 spp •8 MB @ 500 pages •32 touch / 100 speed dials •Up to 15 cpm •250 sheet input tray •30 sheet ADF
•8.5” x 14” max paper size •15,000 page duty cycle •Answer machine interface •1 year limited warranty •17” x 17” x 13” / 23 lbs •Uses: TN460 toner, DR400 drum
•8.5” x 14” max paper size •10,000 page duty cycle •USB port for future printing •1 year limited warranty •15” x 15” x 12” / 20 lbs •Uses: TN450 toner, DR420 drum
Network-ready Laser Fax, Copier with Dual Trays
High-Performance Business-Class Laser Fax, Copier
intelliFAX4750e LIST $799.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTFAX4750E
intelliFAX5750e LIST $1,299.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTPPF5750E
•33.6 Kbps / 2 spp •8 MB @ 600 pages •32 touch / 200 speed dials •Up to 15 cpm •(2) 250 sheet input trays •50 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” max paper size •15,000 page duty cycle
•33.6 Kbps / 2 spp •8 MB @ 600 pages •32 touch / 200 speed dials •Up to 15 cpm •250 sheet input tray •50 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” max paper size
•Password protection •Memory back-up
•15,000 page duty cycle •1 year limited warranty •17” x 17” x 13” / 23 lbs •Uses: TN460 toner, DR400 drum
•1 year limited warranty •17” x 17” x 17” / 31 lbs •Uses: TN460 toner, DR400 drum
Business Machines & Office Products
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
MFCJ460DW LIST $149.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ460DW
MFCJ680DW LIST $229.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ680DW
•14.4 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 12 ppm black, 10 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •20 and 100 sheet trays •20 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •Automatic duplex printing •2.7” touch display & panel
•14.4 Kbps / 40 speed dials •Up to 12 ppm black, 6 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •100 sheet tray, 20 page ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •Automatic duplex printing •1.8” color LCD display
•Web connect touch interface •AirPrint, Mopria, Cloud apps •USB, WiFi (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •15.7” x 13.4” x 7” / 17 lbs •LC201 or LC203 series inks
•Web connect touch interface •AirPrint, Mopria, Cloud apps •USB, WiFi (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •15.7” x 13.4” x 6.8” / 17 lbs •LC201 or LC203 series inks
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Work Smart All-in-One with INKvestment Cartridges
MFCJ985DW LIST $349.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ985DW
•14.4 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 12 ppm black, 10 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •20 and 100 sheet trays •20 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •Automatic duplex printing •2.7” TouchScreen display
•14.4 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 12 ppm black, 10 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •20 and 100 sheet trays •20 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •Automatic duplex printing
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex •16.5” x 13.4” x 6.8” / 18 lbs •LC20E INKvestment series •2.7” TouchScreen display •Web connect, Cloud apps •NFC & Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi (Win/Mac) •2 year limited warranty
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex •16.5” x 13.4” x 6.8” / 18 lbs •12 LC20E INKvestment Super High yield cartridges included •Web connect, Cloud apps •NFC & Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi (Win/Mac) •2 year limited warranty
MFCJ4320DW LIST $249.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ4320DW
MFCJ4420DW LIST $309.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ4420DW
•2.7” touch display & panel •Web connect, Cloud apps •Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB •128 MB (Windows / Mac) •2 year limited warranty •18.9” x 11.4” x 6.4” / 18 lbs •LC203 or LC205 series inks Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
•33.6 Kbps / 250 broadcast •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •150 sheet input tray •20 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11.7” platen; 14” ADF •11” x 17” max bypass size •Automatic duplex print, copy
•33.6 Kbps / 50 broadcast •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •150 sheet input tray •8.5” x 11.7” platen/tray size •11” x 17” max bypass size •Automatic duplex printing
•2.7” touch screen & panel •Web connect, Cloud apps •128 MB, Mobile enabled •USB, WiFi, WiFi direct, PictB •2 year limited warranty •18.9” x 11.4” x 7.4” / 21 lbs •LC203 or LC205 series inks
Call For Cost
•33.6 Kbps / 50 broadcast •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •150 sheet input tray •20 sheet ADF
•8.5” x 11” platen; 14” ADF •11” x 17” max bypass size •Automatic duplex printing •3.7” swipe TouchScreeen •Web connect, Cloud apps
•128 MB, NFC & Mobile ready •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB •2 year limited warranty •18.9” x 11.4” x 7.4” / 21 lbs •LC203 or LC205 series inks
Call Your Sales Representative Today
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
MFCJ5520DW LIST $349.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ5520DW
MFCJ6520DW LIST $349.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ6520DW
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •80 and 250 sheet trays •35 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” ADF •11” x 17” max MP tray •Automatic duplex printing
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •250 sheet tray, 35 page ADF •11” x 17”platen/paper size •Automatic duplex printing •2.7” touch display & panel •Web connect, Cloud apps
•3.7” swipe TouchScreeen •Web connect, Cloud apps •128 MB, Mobile enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB,SD •2 year limited warranty •19” x 13.6” x 9.4” / 26 lbs •LC203 or LC205 series inks Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
•Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB,SD •Windows / Mac compatible •2 year limited warranty •21.8” x 17” x 9.7” / 32 lbs •LC103 or LC105 series inks Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
MFCJ5920DW LIST $499.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ5920DW •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •80 and 250 sheet trays •50 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” ADF •11” x 17” max MP tray •Automatic duplex copy/print/scan MFCJ5720DW LIST $425.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ5720DW •33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color
MFCJ6720DW LIST $429.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ6720DW
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •(2) 250 sheet input trays •35 sheet ADF •11” x 17”platen/paper size •Automatic duplex printing •2.7” touch display & panel
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex •3.7” swipe TouchScreeen •Web connect, Cloud apps •256 MB, Mobile enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB,SD •2 year limited warranty •19” x 13.6” x 12” / 32 lbs •LC203 or LC205 series inks
Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex •Web connect, Cloud apps •Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB,SD •Windows / Mac compatible •2 year limited warranty •21.8” x 17” x 12” / 36 lbs •LC103 or LC105 series inks
MFCJ6920DW LIST $499.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCJ6920DW
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •(2) 250 sheet input trays •35 sheet ADF •11” x 17”platen/paper size •Full auto duplex fx/co/pt/sc •3.7” touch display & panel
•33.6 Kbps / 250 broadcast •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •80 and (2) 250 sheet trays •50 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” ADF •11” x 17” max MP tray •Auto duplex copy/print/scan
•Web connect, Cloud apps •NFC & Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB,SD •Windows / Mac compatible •2 year limited warranty •21.8” x 17” x 12” / 36 lbs •LC103 or LC105 series inks
•3.7” touch display & panel •Web connect, Cloud apps •256 MB, Mobile enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB,SD •2 year limited warranty •19” x 13.6” x 12” / 32 lbs •LC20E INKvestment series
Business Smart Color Inkjet Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Call For Cost
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 35 ppm black, 27 color •Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi •(2) 250 sheet input trays •35 sheet ADF
•11” x 17” platen/paper size •Full auto duplex fx/co/pt/sc •3.7” touch display & panel •Web connect, Cloud apps •NFC & Mobile device enabled
•USB, Ethernet, WiFi, PictB,SD •Windows and Mac compatible •2 year limited warranty •21.8” x 17” x 12” / 36 lbs •LC10E INKvestment series
Business Machines & Office Products
Laser Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Laser Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
DCPL2520DW LIST $299.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTDCPL2520DW
DCPL2540DW LIST $329.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTDCPL2540DW
•Up to 27 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet input tray •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •10,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device enabled
•Up to 30 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet tray, 35 page ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •10,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device enabled
•USB, WiFi •32 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 15.7” x 10.5” / 21 lbs •TN660 toner, DR630 drum Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
•USB, Ethernet, WiFi •32 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 15.7” x 12.5” / 25 lbs •TN660 toner, DR630 drum
Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
MFCL2700DW LIST $349.99 Call For Cost •33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials ITEM NO. BRTMFCL2700DW
MFCL2720DW LIST $399.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTMFCL2720DW
•Up to 27 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet tray, 35 page ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •10,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device enabled
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 30 cpm / ppm •250 sheet tray, 35 page ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •10,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device enabled
•USB, Ethernet, WiFi •32 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 15.7” x 12.5” / 25 lbs •TN660 toner, DR630 drum
•USB, Ethernet, WiFi •64 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 15.7” x 12.5” / 25 lbs •TN660 toner, DR630 drum
Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Laser Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Network and Duplex
MFCL2740DW LIST $499.99 Call For Cost •33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials ITEM NO. BRTMFCL2740DW
DCPL5500DN LIST $499.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTDCPL5500DN
•Up to 42 cpm / ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •40 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •50,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •3.7” color Touchscreen
•Up to 32 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet tray, 35 page ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •10,000 page duty cycle •Full auto duplex fx/co/pt/sc •2.7” TouchScreen display
•AirPrint, Mopria, Cloud apps •USB, Ethernet, Web connect •256 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •19” x 17” x 17” / 36 lbs •TN850 toner, DR820 drum
•Web connect, Cloud apps •USB, Ethernet, WiFi •64 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 15.7” x 12.5” / 26 lbs •TN660 toner, DR630 drum
Laser Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Network and Duplex
Laser Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Network and Duplex
DCPL5600DN LIST $599.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTDCPL5600DN
DCPL5650DN LIST $649.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTDCPL5650DN
•Up to 42 cpm / ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •70 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” platen/paper size •50,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •3.7” color Touchscreen
•Up to 42 cpm / ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •70 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” platen/paper size •50,000 page duty cycle •Full auto duplex co/pt//sc •3.7” color Touchscreen
•Web connect, mobile print •AirPrint, Mopria, Cloud apps •USB, Gigabit Ethernet •512 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •19.5” x 17” x 19” / 38 lbs •TN850 toner, DR820 drum
•AirPrint, Mopria, Cloud apps •USB, Ethernet, Web connect •256 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •19.5” x 17” x 19” / 38 lbs •TN850 toner, DR820 drum
Call Your Sales Representative Today
Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Network and Duplex
Color Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network
LIST $549.99
LIST $639.99
Call For Cost
Call For Cost
•33.6 Kbps / 300 speed dials •Up to 38 cpm / ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •35 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •50,000 page duty cycle
•Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet •64 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •15.9” x 16” x 16.7” / 35 lbs •TN750 toner, DR720 drum Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 19 cpm / ppm •Up to 600 x 2400 dpi •250 sheet tray, 35 page ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •30,000 page duty cycle •3.7” color TouchScreen
•Web connect, mobile enabled •192 MB, USB, WiFi •Windows / Mac compatible •1 year limited warranty •16” x 19” x 16” / 50 lbs •TN221x toners, DR221CL drum Color Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
LIST $799.99
LIST $699.99
MFCL6700DW LIST $949.99 Call For Cost •33.6 Kbps / 300 speed dials ITEM NO. BRTMFCL6700DW Call For Cost •33.6 Kbps / 300 speed dials •Up to 42 cpm / ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •70 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” platen/paper size •50,000 page duty cycle •Full auto duplex fx/co/pt/sc
Call For Cost
•3.7” color Touchscreen •Web connect, Cloud apps •USB, Gigabit Ethernet, WiFi •512 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •19.5” x 16.8” x 19” / 38 lbs •TN820 toner, DR820 drum
•33.6 Kbps / 200 speed dials •Up to 23 cpm / ppm •Up to 600 x 2400 dpi •250 sheet tray, 35 page ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •Automatic duplex printing •3.7” color TouchScreen
•Web connect, mobile enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi •192 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 19” x 16” / 51 lbs •TN221x toners, DR221CL drum Color Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Color Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
MFCL8600CDW LIST $849.99 Call For Cost •33.6 Kbps / 300 speed dials ITEM NO. BRTMFCL8600CDW
•Up to 48 cpm / ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 520 sheet trays •70 sheet ADF •8.5” x 14” platen/paper size •100,000 page duty cycle •Full auto duplex fx/co/pt/sc
•4.85” color Touchscreen •Web connect, Cloud apps •USB, Gigabit Ethernet, WiFi •512 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •19.5” x 16.8” x 20.4” / 41 lbs •TN820 toner, DR820 drum
•Up to 30 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •35 sheet ADF •8.5” x 11” platen; 14” paper •40,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing
•3.7” color TouchScreen •Web connect, Cloud apps •USB, Ethernet, WiFi •256 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 19.8” x 19.4” / 64 lbs •TN336x toners, DR331CL drum
Color Laser Fax, Copier, Printer, Scanner w/Wireless Network and Duplex
Call For Cost
•33.6 Kbps / 300 speed dials •Up to 32 cpm / ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •50 sheet ADF
•8.5” x 14” platen/paper size •60,000 page duty cycle •Auto duplex copy/print/scan •4.85” color TouchScreen •Web connect, Cloud apps
•USB, Ethernet, WiFi •256 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •19” x 20.7” x 20.9” / 68 lbs •TN336x toners, DR331CL drum
Business Machines & Office Products
Laser Printer w/Duplex
Laser Printer w/Duplex and Wireless Network
LIST $199.99
LIST $229.99
Call For Cost
Call For Cost
•Up to 27 ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet input tray •8.5” x 14” max paper size •10,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing
•Mobile enabled •USB, WiFi, WiFi direct •32 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •14” x 14” x 7” / 15 lbs •TN630 toner, DR630 drum
•Up to 27 ppm •Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet input tray •8.5” x 14” max paper size •10,000 page duty cycle
•Automatic duplex printing •8 MB, USB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •14” x 14” x 7” / 15 lbs •TN630 toners, DR630 drum
Laser Printer w/Duplex and Wireless Network
Laser Printer w/Network and Duplex
LIST $299.99 Call For Cost •Up to 32 ppm ITEM NO. BRTHLL2380DW
LIST $299.99 Call For Cost ITEM NO. BRTHLL5100DN
•Web connect, Cloud apps •Mobile device enabled •USB, Ethernet, WiFi •64 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •16” x 15.7” x 10.5” / 21.5 lbs •TN630 toner, DR630 drum
•Up to 2400 x 600 dpi •250 sheet input tray •8.5” x 14” max paper size •10,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •2.7” TouchScreen display
•Up to 42 ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •8.5” x 14” max paper size •50,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing
•256 MB, Mobile enabled •USB, Ethernet (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •14.7” x 15” x 10” / 24 lbs •TN820 toner, DR820 drum Laser Printer w/Duplex and Wireless Network
Laser Printer w/Duplex and Wireless Network
LIST $349.99 Call For Cost •Up to 42 ppm ITEM NO. BRTHLL5200DW
LIST $399.99 Call For Cost •Up to 48 ppm ITEM NO. BRTHLL6200DW
•Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 250 sheet trays •8.5” x 14” max paper size •50,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device compatible
•Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 and 520 sheet trays •8.5” x 14” max paper size •100,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device compatible
•USB, Ethernet, WiFi •256 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •14.7” x 15” x 10” / 24 lbs •TN820 toner, DR820 drum
•USB, Gigabit Ethernet, WiFi •256 MB (Windows / Mac) •1 year limited warranty •14.7” x 15” x 11” / 26 lbs •TN820 toner, DR820 drum
Laser Printer w/Wireless Network, Duplex and Extra Tray
Call For Cost
•Up to 42 ppm •Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi •50 sheet MP tray •250 and 520 sheet trays •8.5” x 14” max paper size
•50,000 page duty cycle •Automatic duplex printing •Mobile device compatible •USB, Ethernet, WiFi •256 MB (Windows / Mac)
•1 year limited warranty •14.7” x 15” x 15” / 32 lbs •TN820 toner, DR820 drum
Call Your Sales Representative Today
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