2016 Smoltz Retail Catalog
1 0 0 % E C O F R I E N D L Y 1 0 0 % E C O F R I E N D L Y
Recycling in mind! Specifically designed with YOU have a choice to make a real difference. ProEarth ™ Laser Toner Cartridges are the first newly manufactured compatible toner cartridges offered in the United States designed to be 100% recycled. Not only are these cartridges made with the highest quality standards but they are environmentally friendly as well. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that up to 300 million ink and toner cartridges end up in our landfills every year. The EPA also considers toner cartridges as “focused material” requiring recycling just like a keyboard or used electronic device ... they’ve done their part ... now you can do yours!
• The Premium Cartridge that Cares Each cartridge is registered and can be tracked back to a certified “ R2 ” recycling center • Receive $5 Voucher for Recycling On each ProEarth ™ Toner Cartridge there is an identification number. This number is used to promote tracking and environmental responsibility. When you have fully used your cartridge, simply go on-line and initiate the recycling process. Upon arrival at the R2 center, your cartridge will be scanned and a credit voucher will be sent to you. ProEarth ™ products, it pays to recycle! • We plant a tree in YOUR Name to say thanks! For every ProEarth ™ Cartridge you recycle, a donation will be made in your name to plant a tree! Reforestation is one of the best ways to combat CO2 build up in our atmosphere www.proearthtoner.com PR EARTH ™
We guarantee that when returned to our R2 recycling center, that all reusable materials will be recycled and a donation will be made in your name to plant a tree. Recycling just makes sense. Make the right financial and environmental choice. Recycle a Cartridge & Plant a Tree!
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